Mapleton Foundations and Endowments
Established to provide for the library's continued growth and improvement. Trust officers are available to advise and answer questions related to gifts to the endowment trust. Guidelines regarding provisions for endowment gifts and assistance in establishing special gift provisions are available through the library staff. Your gift may be in honor of, or in memory of your loved ones. Special recognition will be made in accordance with library policy.
For additional information contact:
Endowment Trust Officers
Fisher-Whiting Memorial Library
609 Courtright
Mapleton, Iowa 51034
Or telephone: Fisher-Whiting Memorial Library ~712-882-1312
The MVAO School Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit corporation established in 1994 to provide support for the continuing improvement of the educational programs offered by the school district. Annual Memberships are $25. A Lifetime membership is $1,000. Additional larger gifts of money, stocks, bonds, mutual funds or real estate will provide on-going support for the school district. Currently the foundation makes annual instructional support grants and awards scholarships. The Board of Directors, elected by the membership, distributes funds within the guidelines of the corporation. To learn more about the Foundation contact the following address and a member of the board will be happy to visit with you about how your gift will benefit our school and it's students.
MVAO School Foundation
501 South 7th Street
Mapleton, Iowa 51034
Or telephone the District Office at 712-881-1315 and the secretary will provide information to assist you in contacting current board members.
The Maple Valley Development Endowment Fund has been established to provide support for any project that will enhance the community of Mapleton. Interest from the funds donated will be awarded annually based on the submission of applications from any group or individual wishing financial support for projects deemed beneficial to the community. Gifts of any size are welcomed. Gifts may be given in honor of someone, as a memorial, or as your individual gift to support the continued betterment of Mapleton. For information on how you may be a part of the benefits this endowment provides contact:
The M.V.D.I. Endowment Committee
Maple Valley Development, Inc.
P.O. Box 164
Mapleton, Iowa 51034
The St. John's Endowment Fund supports the programs and outreach of the local United Methodist Church. Projects within the church and support for the church family are awarded annually by the committee. Annual projects have included scholarships, leadership training programs, assistance for church and non-church individuals facing special needs facility improvements and special church events. As an on-going means of supporting the church memorial gifts and estate gifts are common sources of support for the endowment, but individual gifts are also important to providing the many opportunities for assistance provided by the endowment. Information on the endowment is available through the church office at the following address:
St. John's United Methodist Church Endowment Committee
212 South 7th Street
Mapleton, Iowa 51034
Or call the church office at 712-882-1936 for additional contact information.